Edward Phillips

Edward Phillips, born Abt. March 17, 1772 in Maryland; died April 28, 1847 in Newtown Twp, Livingston Co.,Illinois.
Betty was born in 1773 in Maryland. Edward married Betty Lee about 1794 in Maryland.
They had 5 children:
William Phillips born 1797, died about 1822
James Phillips born 1799
Rebecca Phillips born about 1810
Edward Phillips born about 1812
John Phillips born Feb 23, 1808, died Feb 7, 1880

Betty died in Ohio. Edward married Barbara Welch Loman.

Barbara Welsh Loman, was born March 10, 1786 in Maryland or Virginia.
She first married James Loman died March 15, 1862.
Edward married Barbara Welsh Loman in Ohio on Sept 18, 1822 in Champaign, Ohio.
They had 5 more children:
Barbara Phillips born about 1823 in Ohio
Rachel Phillips born about 1827 in Ohio.
Mary Phillips born about 1823 in Ohio, died Spril 18, 1908
Jacob Phillips born Feb 25, 1825 in Urbana, Champaign, Ohio. Died October 31, 1914

Notes for Edward Phillips:
BLM Records #ES NO S/N, Edward Phillips purchased 80 acres of land in Livingston Co., Ill on July 10, 1844. Document #8416, Danville Land Office.

Edward and Barbara is from bios of Jacob Phillips (their son) printed in The History of Livingston Co., Ill, 1878 and Portrait and Biographical Album of Livingston Co., Ill, 1888. The 1888 book states he was born about 1768, the other says he died April 27, 1847 aged 75 years, l month and 11 days, which would put his birthdate in March, 1772.

Came to Illinois about 1836 from Ohio, traveling by wagon. Stopped first on West Bureau Creek for about nine months, then settled where his son Jacob later lived, at Smithdale. "Mr. P. states that when his father arrived in this State he owned a team of horses and wagon; he also had $50. in silver half-dollars; one of horses died soon after his arrival; his father was a native of Maryland, and after his marriage removed from there to Ohio with a two-wheeled cart, taking his family with him, which consisted of a wife and four children; he states that his father remembers the battles of the Revolution very distinctly; the first piece of land that he entered was on Sec. 7 and consisted of 80 acres; Levi Templin went to Danville on foot, wearing a handkerchief on his head, and carrying his provisions with him and performed the errand; the Land Office being situated at that place at that time."

The children of Edward Phillips first union are recorded as follows: James, born in Maryland and died in Logan County, this State, leaving a wife and large family of children; William died in Ohio when about twenty-one years old ; John engaged in farming in Newtown Township, and died about 1870-80, leaving a widow and five children; Edward died in Iowa leaving a family; Rebecca died in Ohio when about twenty years of age. Of the second marriage of Edward Phillips there were born four children, namely: Barbara, the wife of a wealthy farmer living near Odell; Jacob, of our sketch: Rachel, of Fairmont, Neb., and Mary, Mrs. William Ziegler, of Newtown Township. The mother of these children died at her home in Newtown in 1863, and her remains were laid to rest in the cemetery not far from the residence of her son, our subject. The father had died in 1847, when seventy-nine years old, and the mother was about the same age at the time of her death. Both were members in good standing of the Methodist Episcopal Church for many years, in which the father
officiated as Class-Leader, and was one of the organizers of the society at Bethel. He had enjoyed only limited advantages during his youth but possessed a remarkable memory, and being more than ordinarily intelligent, kept himself well informed upon matters of general interest. He preserved his health and strength remarkably and when seventy-four years old would walk eight or ten miles to attend church. He was of a resolute and determined disposition and greatly respected with his neighbors.

Came to Ohio with his first wife (unknown) and 7 children. His wife died and he married Mrs. Barbara Welsh Loman whom he had known in Maryland. Her husband, James Loman, had died 6 weeks after reaching Ohio. Mrs. Loman had 8 children. Edward and Barbara had 4 children together.